Preschool For children ages 2.9–4
Preschoolers are ready to explore the world! Our preschool program gives them room to soar through age-appropriate educational activities and interactive play.
What to Expect
In preschool classroom we spend a lot of time learning to be attentive during circle time, line-up, and when transitioning between spaces. The children sit for longer periods and participate by raising hands and answering questions.
Preschoolers also rotate through job responsibilities (such as managing the calendar or light switches, or serving as line leader). They further develop their pencil-holding and use scissors to cut straight lines.
Preschoolers who attend full-time receive breakfast, a hot lunch, snacks, and beverages.

Instruction in English & Mandarin
Like all children at Kiddosland, our preschoolers experience dual-language instruction every day.
If your child is not a native speaker of Chinese, their primary instruction will be in English but they also will learn numbers, colors, greetings, and other basic words in Mandarin.
If your child is more comfortable speaking Chinese, they will have full translation support but will also learn English at school.
Every classroom has both an English-speaking teacher and a native speaker of Chinese. Circle time is conducted twice, once in English and once in Chinese, and bilingual instruction is offered throughout the day to reinforce circle-time lessons.

How We Communicate
Parents and guardians of preschoolers participate in two parent-teacher conferences per year. You can also download the Brightwheel app for daily communication, notifications, and billing.

Enrichment Programs
Preschoolers can take part in Kiddosland’s full selection of optional enrichment programs, including piano, tennis, screen-free coding with LEGO, and Mandarin lessons.

Advancing to Pre-Kindergarten
We will recommend that your child move ahead to our pre-K classroom based not only on milestones (social/emotional, language/communication, cognitive, and developmental) but also their individual readiness and in consultation with the family. In general, some common indicators are being potty trained and the ability to recognize their written name, follow multi-step directions, and show more advanced fine motor skills.

Want to know more about Kiddosland?
Come tour our facility, meet our educators, and ask us all of your questions!