Pre-Kindergarten For children ages 4–5
It’s time to get your child ready for kindergarten! Our quality pre-K program prepares them for the more difficult learning journey ahead while bringing fun to the whole experience.
What to Expect
The #1 goal of pre-kindergarten is to get your child ready for the more formal setting of kindergarten. Our pre-K program introduces more complex activities to develop their skills and capabilities. By the end of this stage, most children will spell and recognize their name on a card, write their name from left to right on one line, and count to 20.
Children in pre-K are eligible for free breakfast, a hot lunch, snacks, and beverages.

English & Mandarin Instruction
Kiddosland is a dual-language learning center, offering primary instruction in English and secondary instruction in Mandarin Chinese. Children in pre-kindergarten have two daily circle-time sessions, once in English and once in Chinese.
If your child does not speak Chinese, they will learn simple lessons like colors, numbers, greetings, and other basic words.
If your child’s first language is Chinese, a Chinese-speaking teacher will help them learn English and build overall readiness for American school.

How We Communicate
Pre-kindergarten parents and guardians can conference with their children’s teachers twice per year. We also use the Brightwheel app for daily communication, notifications, and billing.

Enrichment Programs
Kiddosland offers a wide selection of optional enrichment activities for our pre-K children, including piano, tennis, screen-free coding with LEGO, and Mandarin lessons. To learn more, visit our enrichment programs page below.

Onward to Kindergarten!
Kiddosland hosts a special graduation ceremony for our pre-kindergarten families. Your child will wear a cap and gown, sing songs in English and Chinese, and march across the stage to receive a diploma! For our graduates moving on to Braintree elementary schools, we love it when they remain in the Kiddosland family through our school-age/afterschool program.

Want to know more about Kiddosland?
Come tour our facility, meet our educators, and ask us all of your questions!